General Sales
Our General Sales consist of approximately 2000 lots and are held fortnightly throughout the year over 2 days. Entries into these sales range from antique furniture and effects, house clearance items, furniture in need of restoration to modern and contemporary household furniture and effects, garden equipment, ceramics, glassware, artwork, collectables, jewellery and silver.
Accepting Items for General Sales
We offer two types of appointments for consigning goods for auction:
A valuation day appointment - this is where the valuer goes through the items with you sorting them into how we would lot them and advising of estimates. You can then leave them for the next available auction, if you decide to proceed.
A drop off appointment - You box up your items, bringing with you a list. We receipt the goods without going through them there and then. We later sort the items and you receive a pre-sale advice by email just prior to them going into auction showing how we have lotted them and the estimates we have applied. You can then apply reserves accordingly.
Both services are strictly by appointment only, please contact the office for an appointment.
We do not accept:
- Furniture which does not comply with the 1988 trading standards fire regulations
- Gas appliances
- Refrigerators
- Beds and mattresses
- Sofas (antique accepted)
- Soft furnishings
Before The Sale
Before each sale, you will receive a Pre Sale Advice by email, this will show your lots and how they have been described, also showing the estimates. It is your responsibility to ensure any reserves are applied at this point if required
After The Sale
After each sale, you will receive a Post Sale Advice by email showing your results and instructions for any unsold lots.
Sold Goods
Payment is by cheque and will be sent to you 30 days after the sale when all purchase payments have been cleared.
Unsold Goods
An unsold notification (if applicable) will be sent to you the Monday after the sale by email stating which lots are unsold, if any, and suggesting what will happen next. Depending on the estimated value of the items, they may be entered for re-sale or donated to our charity lots or disposed of. Alternatively, you can collect - you will be informed of all these options in the email.
Fine Art Sales
Our Fine Art Sales consist of between 400 and 800 lots and are held Quarterly. Entries consist mainly of antique furniture, ceramics, glassware, metalware, treen, objets d’art, carpets, clocks, silver, jewellery, art and other various antique collectables of particular interest or quality.
Accepting Items for Fine Art Sales
Goods are accepted up to 21 days prior to the sale. Items are accepted into the Fine Art Sales at the Auctioneers sole discretion.
We can advise reserve prices based upon the estimated values given, Any reserves are confidential between the vendor and the auctioneer.
After The Fine Art Sale
As with the general sale, you will receive a post-sale advice after the auction showing your sale results and also an unsold advice, if applicable. Any unsold lots from a Fine Art sale are normally carried over into the next general auction and the estimates and reserves lowered. You will also have the option to collect, if desired.
- (a) Commission rates on each lot sold:
- Up to £500 15%
- £501 to £5000 12%
- £5001 & Over 10%
MINIMUM COMMISSION is charged at the rate of £4.25 on each lot sold or 15% whichever is the greater. For Fine Art Sales there is a minimum commission of £5 per lot.
(b) GENERAL SALES: All lots attract a charge of £4.25 each time they are offered for sale whether sold or unsold. There is also an entry fee of 50pence per lot, a photography fee of £1 per lot and the minimum insurance charge per lot is 60pence. The minimum charge per lot for each sale amounts to £7.62 inclusive of VAT.
FINE ART SALES: All lots attract a charge of £5 each time they are offered for sale whether sold or unsold. There is also an entry fee of 50pence per lot, a photography fee of £1 per lot and the minimum insurance charge per lot is 60pence. The minimum charge per lot for each sale amounts to £8.52 inclusive of VAT
- On items SOLD - 60p on each lot sold at £60 or less and at 1% thereafter
- On items UNSOLD
- (without reserve) - 60p on each lot
- (with reserve) - 60p on each lot up to £60 – with a maximum of £2
(d) SURCHARGE—sold or unsold - In the sale of three piece suites and pianos, or any other lot of exceptional size or weight, a discretionary surcharge of £10 per lot will be made if the sale price does not exceed £150.00.
(e) VAT at the current rate i.e. 20% is levied on all charges.
(f) DEFAULT – the Auctioneers disclaim responsibility for default by either the buyer or the vendor because they act as agents for the vendor only and therefore do not pay out to the vendor until payment is received from the buyer. Instructions given by telephone are accepted at the sender’s risk and must be confirmed in writing forthwith and be received at the office at least one day prior to sale.
Withdrawn Lots - any lots that are withdrawn by the vendor, once catalogued, will be subject to a charge. This will be deducted from your final statement.